We've just released a new version of Babysense Smart Nursery mobile app, in App Store and Google Play.
Keep an eye on your baby while multitasking!
We've added picture-in-picture button next to the audio on/off button.
For nursery with single camera - the app will switch to PIP when minimized
For nursery with multiple cameras - you need to select the camera for PIP by clicking the PIP button.
Background Audio
Now you can listen to the camera audio without the need to keep the app active.
Just click the audio button of the camera and you'll have 3 options:
ON - Hear the camera's audio only when app is visible
Background - Hear the camera's audio in the mobile device's background
Flip the camera video
Just toggle the Video Flip button in the camera's settings, to flip the video in 180° angle.
Supports in See Plus, Fullpeek, and Flexi.
Have Fun!
Got feedback? We'd love to hear from you!