Pairing & Unpairing my Babysense HDS2 Split-Screen Monitor cameras

Your HDS2 Baby Unit (i.e. camera) is paired to the Parent Unit (i.e. hand-held monitor) when supplied. There is no need to pair the units again unless the Baby Unit loses its link with the Parent Unit. 


How do I pair my cameras? 

To renew the pairing of your units or pair a new/additional Baby Unit, follow the procedure below:

NOTE: Before you begin pairing, be sure to have the Baby and Parent Units side by side and turned on.

  • Press the Menu/Return button, choose Camera Settings and press OK.
  • Navigate with the arrow keys to select the camera you want to pair.
  • Press and hold the pair button at the back of the camera until the camera is paired
  • Press the Menu/Return button to exit the menu.
  • If unsuccessful, please repeat above steps.
  • NOTE: If there is more than one Baby Unit to be paired, repeat the above steps for each one individually.

HDS2 Pair.png  


How do I unpair my cameras?

  • Press the Menu/Return button, choose Camera Settings and press OK
  • Navigate with the arrow keys to “delete camera” and then select the camera you want to delete.
  • Navigate to select delete
  • Press the menu button to exit the menu.

Hds2 Unpair.png



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