What is the return period for my Babysense order?

Are you experiencing any issues with your Babysense order or device?

Our 100-Day (US purchases) and 40-Day (UK & EU purchases) Money Back Guarantee - we respect your request to make a return.

We want to ensure you feel supported throughout your journey with Babysense.

There are a number of reasons you might think you need to return your order or device, such as:

  • "I received the wrong order"
  • "I am unsatisfied with what I ordered"
  • "I have changed my mind"
  • "I am having trouble using my device"

For all of the above, we have answers!

  • If you have received the incorrect order, we will rectify it, as quickly as possible.
  • If you are unsatisfied with what you are using, we can explore your need, and find what best suits you.
  • If you have changed your mind, we respect that!
  • If you are experiencing trouble with your device, we have loads of support in our help center as well as a team of super stars looking to support you the way you need.

If we are not meeting your expectations, let us know! It is how we support you and how we grow.

Super Star Team Waiting to Help




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