Lullabies & White Noise Function on your Babysense V43 Split-Screen Baby Monitor

There is a selection of 5 pre-programmed lullabies from the Baby Unit. The monitor also features White Noise, which is an effective way to soothe a crying infant and lull your newborn to sleep.

The Lullaby and White Noise features are controlled remotely from the Parent Unit. If selecvted they play for a predetermined time.



  • Once the lullaby function is turned on, the lullaby icon will be displayed on top of the LCD screen.
  • When selecting the loop mode only the 5 melodies are played; the White Noise is excluded.

The lullaby default setting is OFF.

It is recommended to select Low or Medium volume for the lullabies or White Noise so that you will still clearly hear your baby/toddler if they cry or call for you. 



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